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The Cook Inlet Response Response Tool (CIRT),  accessible through the Alaska Ocean Observing System (AOOS) website, provides geospatial information for use in an oil spill or other emergency response in the Cook Inlet, Alaska region. 

These pages provide training and reference materials for CIRT users.

This interactive web-based tool combines:

GIS spatial data layers for Cook Inlet Alaska

Real time observations

Model nowcast/forecasts for winds, waves, and ocean circulation

ShoreZone video and imagery

Types of Data

Emergency Response Resources

Meteorological models- wind, waves and currents


Weather Conditions: Real-time sensors for wind speed, water level, and temperature


Habitat and Species Information


ShoreZone Imagery: High definition video of aerial coastal surveys


GIS data sets: Geographic response strategies, shoreline oil persistence indices, salmon stream locations, information for sensitive areas and more




In Collaboration

CIRT was developed as collaboration among the Cook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory Council, the Alaska Ocean Observing System (AOOS), and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration with support from Axiom Data Science and Nuka Research.


Representing the citizens of Cook Inlet in promoting environmentally safe marine transportation and oil facility operations.


Providing coastal and ocean data and information products to the public through collaborative networks and our online Ocean Data Explorer portal.

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Environmental consulting firm offering a range of services to support policy development, planning, training, outreach and facilitation for international clients in industry, government, and non-profit sectors.

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